Save up to 90% on travel deals
Our experts and algorithms are searching the web automatically for error fares and extremely cheap economy, business and first class travel deals.
Latest Error Fares and deals
How it works
in only 3 steps

Enter your email address or download our app.

We search the web for error fares and extremely cheap travel deals automatically.
ErrorFare Examples
These selected examples have been available in the past! Fly business class and stay in the best hotels for almost nothing!
Our Customers about us
Malte Teichmann (translated rating on
"Amazing project, now also adding a great app!
After my extremely cheap South America trip I am already excited where the Error Fare Alerts team brings me next :)"
Elguanchero (translated ating on
"Amazing App!
Very fast notifications on Error Fares and meanwhile also great premium deals. Very useful!""
Tom Davin (translated rating on
"Amazing App, I am so excited! I would have paid a lot of money for this app! Really cool, that it is even free of charge! Hopefully I can fly on vacation even more now :)""
a380-8flyer (translated rating on
"World Class Super App! I have booked on or the other Business Class Deal meanwhile. The deals are getting published much faster than at other well known provicers like the First Class and More newsletter! Great job keep it up!""